A.S.P.I.R.E. Network


We strive to create a warm, inclusive community that Chinese women abroad can call home wherever they are.

  • Here, they find curated resources for career, relationships, and life.

  • Here, they grow individually and elevate the community as a whole.

  • Here, they build lasting bonds in a sisterhood of support and belonging.

Here, they become ASPIRE women.

  • Authenticity

  • Strength

  • Passion

  • Impact

  • Resilience

  • Esteem

Each member will have exclusive access to services below

  • Boot Camp

    It’s not yet another show&tell conference. It’s a jam packed one day program that gives you concrete actions to take when you walk out of the room, and see results unfold.

  • Master Class

    Targeted and battle-proven frameworks, systems and practices to take your career to the next level.

    Held four times a year.

  • Accountability Cohort and Coaching

    Knowledge itself doesn’t result in change. Actions do. We pair you with relevant cohort, accountability coach and exec coach to walk the walk with you.

Apply to become a member

ASPIRE is not for everyone. We are looking for a specific type of women to join and grow with us.

- Give abundantly, receive shamelessly 

    - We expect everyone to contribute to the community and to each other in someway. It could be your talent, your time, or your experiences. 

    - Feel blessed and grateful when receiving help, no shame or guilt, as everyone gives. 

    - There will be peer evaluation at the end. If you don’t give, you are out. 

- Share truth with vulnerability 

    - No BS 

- Judgement free 

- Celebrate every win, big or small 

Our Stories

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.